Stepping Back In Time

This weekend I had a great opportunity to tour the beautiful Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota this weekend with a friend who acted as my impromptu tour guide. The art and architecture are amazing, especially in a structure officially consecrated in 1958 (though the cornerstone was laid in 1907).

In all the high-flown arches, amazing paintings and dazzling stained glass, two particular features caught my eye, due in large part to the human elements involved. First, in the main Naive amongst the pews is a small plaque commemorating a visit by then-President John F. Kennedy (dated October 7, 1962). It was exciting to be able sit in the pew and imagine President Kennedy there.

The second piece I got a kick out of was a rough-hewn stone from the Castle Rouen that imprisoned Joan of Arc. It was set in a finely polished marble alcove which presents quite a juxtaposition against the rough stone. There is a simple plaque on the stone (see below) as well. You could clearly see the tool marks on the stone from the stone-cutters tools and you could feel the stone. It was amazing!