The Role of the Right-Brainers

Deal People -- We need to think beyond our transactions!

This means looking at the world of interaction and influence, and looking at the world beyond common left-brain skills (like accounting and law, for example). Daniel Pink, super blogger and author of some outstanding books, has given us a key to the world of interaction. Specifically, A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule The Future. In it, Pink introduces readers to six right-brain senses we need to supplement our left-brain senses with in order to successfully differentiate ourselves. They are the following:

· Design

· Story

· Symphony

· Empathy

· Play

· Meaning

Once we adopt these senses and the accompanying mindset of interaction (in addition to the left-brain skills), we will provide our clients with a differentiated value.

So go out there and master storytelling, bring design to your practice, and place a real importance on laughing and playing. If you haven’t yet read A Whole New Mind, I highly suggest it. It is a life changer.

You can find it here.

[Photo Credit: Mercedes Benz ad from here].